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来源:3522vip浦京集团官网 浏览人数: 发布时间:2024-05-08

3522vip浦京集团官网2024第 17期 数理大讲堂

主讲人:徐守军 教授

主持人:高利新 教授



讲座题目:Algorithmic aspects of domination problems in Geometric Intersection Graphs

摘要:We consider 3 minimum dominating problems: total (MTDS), total restrained (MTRDS) and secure (MSDS) in geometric intersection graphs. Firstly, we show that the decision version of the three problems are NP-complete in grid graphs (a subclass of unit disk graphs and unit square intersection graphs),strengthening the result on the MTDS problem in unit disk graphs by Jena et al. in 2021. Further we show that the MSDS problem is APX-hard in rectangle intersection graphs. Secondly, we give some linear-time constant-approximation algorithms for the three problems in unit disk graphs. Finally, we propose PTASs for the MTRDS problem and the MSDS problem in unit disk graphs and unit square graphs.


徐守军, 兰州大学数学与统计学院教授, 博士生导师。2007年获得兰州大学博士学位. 2008-2010,中科院数学与系统科学研究院从事运筹学方向博士后工作. 研究方向主要是图论及其应用, 学术论文主要发表在J Graph theroy, SIAM J Discrete Math,Discrete Math. Discrete Appl.Math., Theor. Comput. Sci., Inform., Process. Lett., J. Combin. Optim.,Australas. J. Combin.等杂志上。


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