来源:3522vip浦京集团官网 浏览人数: 发布时间:2022-12-16
3522vip浦京集团官网 2022年 第17期 数理大讲堂 暨“喜迎90周年校庆”系列讲座 第14期
报告题目:The constant rank theorem and its applications
报告摘要:The constant rank theorem was initially developed by Caffarelli-Friedman in 1985 in two-dimensions for convex solutions of semilinear equations. Later, Korevaar-Lewis extended the result to higher dimensions. The theory was generalized to fully nonlinear case twenty years ago, and it had became an important ingredient in the study of prescribed curvature problems, such as the Christoffel-Minkowski problem and the prescribed Weingarten curvature problem.
In this talk, I will give some applications of the constant rank theorem. These work are jointly finished with my co-authors.
报告人简介:徐露,湖南大学数学学院教授,博士生导师。2013年入选中国科学院青年促进会人才计划,2018年获得湖南省杰出青年基金。研究领域为偏微分方程与几何分析,在完全非线性椭圆偏微分方程解的凸性研究方面取得了系列创新性成果,相关成果发表在Crelle’s journal, JFA, Adv. Math., IUMJ, CVPDE, JDE等国际著名期刊上,其中多篇论文被国外同行实质引用和正面评价。曾多次学术访问包括加拿大McGill大学、美国Ohio州立大学、美国纽约大学多工学院等国外著名高校并做学术报告、受邀在北大数学中心和厦门大学联合举办的几何分析与退化椭圆型方程专题研讨班作系列讲座。