2022青科会|数学及其应用前沿论坛动态(8):巴基斯坦院士Sohail Nadeem教授将应邀做学术报告
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2022世界青年科学家峰会之数学及其应用前沿论坛将于2022年10月21-24日在温州召开。本次论坛由三个分论坛构成:图论与组合数学分论坛、基础数学分论坛与应用数学分论坛。据论坛组委会10月20日消息,巴基斯坦院士Sohail Nadeem教授将于10月22日下午在应用数学分论坛上做学术报告,报告主题为《Mathematical computations of peristaltic nanofluids and blood flows in stenosed arteries》。因疫情防控原因,院士报告将以线上形式进行。
Prof. Sohail Nadeem, Department of Mathematics, Quaid–i-Azam Univeristy, Pakistan
Research Interests:
Fluid Mechanics, Computational Mathematics, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids, Stretching and stagnation flows, Boundary Layer Theory, Peristaltic Flows, Blood flow through arteries, Solutions of non-Linear differential equations etc.
Awards and Honors:
1.Fellow Pakistan Academy sciences in 2019
2.Best Teacher Award by HEC
3.Best Youg Researcher Award
4.Young Fellow TWAS
5.Member PAS
6.Gold Medal PAS
7.Razziuddin Gold Medal
8.Salam Prize Award by TWAS
9.Awarded PCST Awards for A category for the years 2011-2016